NSPAs unique cooperation praised by DG Regio
A political delegation from northern Finland, Norway and Sweden has presented its political position on the future cohesion policy to Mr Dirk Ahner, Director General at DG Regional Policy, European Commission.
A political delegation from northern Finland, Norway and Sweden has presented its political position on the future cohesion policy to Mr Dirk Ahner, Director General at DG Regional Policy, European Commission.

Mr. Esko Lotvonen, Region Mayor of Lapland, Finland, Ms. Ewa-May Karlsson, Chair of the Assembly - Regional Council of Västerbotten, Sweden and Ms. Pia Svensgaard, Head of County Council of Troms represented the regions at the meeting.
This northern part of Europe, 14 regions in three countries, is the first to have agreed a joint vision for regional development. The regions have created a political network to fully exploit the opportunities in the region and to maximise the added value brought to Europe.
The delegation delivered a position document describing how these northern regions in Europe would like to see the future regional policy developed, and specifically what policies are required for a continued development in these northern parts of Europe.
The position highlights the need for a future cohesion policy and continued availability of structural funds offered to all regions in all EU member states.
"I support your ideas fully, and your contribution on the strategy for EU 2020 is very useful and greatly appreciated. "We have something in common, you want development of your region and we want development in all regions. The NSPA position fits perfectly with what we are trying to achieve at the Commission. We look forward to continuing the dialogue" commented Mr Ahner at the meeting.

"The NSPA brings considerable added value to Europe and it is a strong region that is also hampered by geographical conditions" said Mr. Esko Lotvonen, Region Mayor of Lapland, Finland.
"Our vision for NSPA is that we are a grouping of dynamic and modern regions with diversified economic profiles and with functional labor markets. Enterprises are highly competitive and at the forefront of developing green technology - making a globally important contribution to sustainable development. Further that the NSPA offers attractive living conditions for women and men of all origins, as well as world class higher education opportunities. And finally that NSPA continues to be truly internationally oriented and provides Europe with significant added value" explained Ms. Ewa-May Karlsson, Chair of the Assembly - Regional Council of Västerbotten, Sweden.
"The NSPA requires a policy that stimulates NSPAs global competitiveness, demographic diversity and effective use of energy and energy assets. Policy also needs to continue to encourage cross-border cooperation", stated Pia Svensgaard, Head of County Council of Troms, Norway.
The political position is based on a Foresight study for 2020 - Strong, specific and promising - developed by NSPA in cooperation with DG Regional Policy.
The regions of northern Finland, Norway and Sweden have many common circumstances such as sparse population, harsh climate and long distances. This part of Europe is also specifically affected by globalisation, energy-supply, climate change and demographic change.
Download the position paper - summary version or full version