Successful gathering in Tromsø
Over 70 stakeholders from the three countries gathered in beautiful Tromsö on 18-19 January to exchange views and agree on the NSPA response to the 5th Cohesion Report.
Over 70 stakeholders from the three countries gathered in beautiful Tromsö on 18-19 January to exchange views and agree on the NSPA response to the Fifth Cohesion Report.

After the host Pia Svensgaard, Chair of Troms County Government, had welcomed the delegates the forum was opened with a presentation of the Fifth Cohesion Report by Ann-Kerstin Myleus. Ms Myleus is Deputy Head of Unit - Responsible for Communication Strategy and Information Management at DG Regional Policy, European Commission. She explained the process, the contents of the report and the timeline for the continued work. She also highlighted the importance of NSPA input especially with regards to territorial cohesion. She re-iterated the importance of the local and regional level in shaping the future Regional Policy when referring to Commissioner Hahn's view that Regional Policy is the only policy that can deliver the Europe2020-strategy because of shared management.
- We hope to finalise and fine-tune the detail and fill gaps thanks to your input, Ms Myleus said.
Member of the Norwegian parliament Eirik Sivertsen began the second day by giving his thoughts on the regional level of international Arctic Policy. He also pointed to the importance of the NSPA work and hoped that the national governments would build on the relationship with the regions.
- NSPA brings new ideas and promotes dialogue in this very important part of the Arctic, Mr Sivertsen concluded.
Thomas Westerberg of the NSPA officials group presented the draft NSPA response and Esko Lotvonen chaired the discussion about the document. Many good comments and a fruitful discussion followed during both forum days. The document will be finalised and submitted to the European Commission's consultation about the Fifth Cohesion Report at the end of the month.
Allan Perttunen gave an overview of the work done in Brussels and a timeline of the next steps. The forum agreed to meet again in the autumn and Kuopio offered to host the next get-together.
Download Ms Myleus' presentation ( English | Finnish | Swedish)