Transport infrastructure in the European Arctic - seminar in Brussels
On the 19th of November, the NSPA in cooperation with MEPs Jens Nilsson and Henna Virkkunen hosted the seminar “Transport Infrastructure in the European Arctic”. The seminar was held in the European Parliament.
Cross-border cooperation on transport and logistics was among the themes on the agenda during the seminar. Current challenges within the transport and infrastructure sector were discussed among regional stakeholders and EU representatives.
For the EU, the Arctic is an important region for innovative research, as a test bed for innovative solutions as well as a producer of raw materials and other vital resources. This is why a functioning transport network in the region is of interest to the EU. During the seminar on 19th of November, the NSPA presented its experiences and central challenges in relation to transport infrastructure.
MEP Jens Nilsson introduced the seminar by underscoring EU's role as a facilitator for growth in the NSPA area. Line Fusdahl, chair of Troms County government, emphasized that the east/west-dimension need to be prioritized in order to ensure an effective flow of goods to the EU.
Torbjørn Naimak, regional road director for Northern Norway, talked about the importance of a common strategy for regulation, planning and maintenance within the transport sector.
Lia Potec from DG Move informed about the financing mechanism of the TEN-T, the CEF. Mette Hartzell from LKAB underlined the importance of a functioning infrastructure network in order to ensure industrial development. Juhani Tervala, director of the Finnish Road Administration, emphasized the Bothnian Corridor as a facilitator for cross-border transport.
The seminar was concluded by MEP Henna Virkkunen, who elaborated around growth opportunities in the European Arctic.
Download the presentation used during the seminar
Download the presentations using the links below:
Kari Aalto, Director East & North Finland European Office
Torbjørn Naimak, The Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Region North
Lia Potec, European Commission, DG MOVE Directorate B - European Mobility Network