The webinar ´Circular economy in the Arctic Industries´ was broadcasted as part of the European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC) by the Brussels offices of the Northern Sparsely Populated Areas (NSPA) and the Brussels office of Scotland Highlands & Islands. The topics were regional cooperation and circular economy in the Arctic.
On the 22nd of October, representatives from the University of the NSPA had a digital meeting with the Arctic Ambassador of EU, Michael Mann. EU Arctic Policy in relations to research and innovation, and the importance of international research collaboration for sustainable development in the Arctic were discussed.
On October 13, North Sweden organized a webinar with Elsi Katainen and Erik Bergkvist, Members of the European Parliament, together with OECD, the European Commission and Northern Sparsely Populated Areas (NSPA). The discussions focused on the NSPA's role for enabling a sustainable regional development in the European Arctic.
On October 1, the steering committee for Northern Sparsely Populated Areas (NPSA) met for a digital meeting. The agenda for the meeting included the ongoing negotiations on the next long-term budget (MFF) and NSPA’s position on the EU’s new Artic Policy.
On September 22, representatives from Northern Sparsely Populated Areas (NSPA), met with the Deputy Head of Cabinet for Commissioner for Regional Policy, Marlene Madsen. The meeting enabled NSPA to put forward key messages for a continuation of regional development in the northernmost Europe. NSPA was commended for the strategic way the regions have used the structural funds in the current budget period. Madsen emphasized that the NSPA regions have both natural resources and technological skills important for a green transition.
The EU policy tools for innovation and growth should be further developed and linked to the EU Arctic Policy to continue to tackle global challenges and unlock the potential for sustainable growth in the European Arctic. That is one of the key messages by NSPA in connection with the 2020 public consultation on the EU Arctic Policy.