On 25. March 2022, the NSPA Steering Committee adopted a position paper on the Delegated Act on Article 27(3). The NSPA welcomes the ambition of the RED II Directive in the forthcoming Delegated Act linked to Article 27(3), and the forthcoming RED III revision to increase Europe's hydrogen production. However, we would like to highlight that some parts of the DA could have the opposite effect than intended, and slow down the transition instead.
The NSPA welcomes the updated EU Arctic Policy launched 13 October 2021. The European Union is an important actor on Arctic issues together with its regional partners and stakeholders in the European Arctic of North Sweden, East and North Finland, and North Norway.
That was the very clear message from EU Commissioner Elisa Ferreira during her live keynote speech to the NSPA Forum participants last week. - You have succeeded in turning challenges into opportunities, and you are the experts in the EU on the European Green Deal.