Raising Arctic voices in Brussels

How can we increase focus on Arctic issues and strengthen cooperation with the EU network? These questions were raised by the Arctic Five during their visit to Brussels for the Nordic University Days and meeting with relevant Arctic actors. The three European offices of NSPA facilitated the meetings.
The Arctic Five met the new Arctic ambassador to the EU, Clara Ganslandt and Member of Parliament, Urmas Paet to discuss what is happening in the EU, key priorities and how to strengthen cooperation through Arctic research.
The NSPA and the Arctic Five share the same key focus areas such as energy, health and well-being, regional development and issues relating to the Sapmi/ Indigenous people living in the Arctic. Sharing the issues, knowledge and expertise around these areas is crucial.
Aim for solutions
During their visit, they discussed how the EU network can work together with Arctic Five to increase arctic issues and aim for solutions. Peter Sköld from Arctic Five said, –We must strive to be solution- oriented and research is essential for that. By using the resources that we have, we can strengthen cooperation.
Like the Arctic Five, the NSPA is also working towards raising awareness in the EU institutions, influencing EU policy, and providing a platform for the best practise for the Northern Sparsely Populated Areas.

The European Union has an important role to play in supporting successful Arctic cooperation and helping to meet the challenges now facing the region. Through communication and cooperation with the EU network, Arctic issues can be addressed, and knowledge shared, which is an important step towards finding solutions for the Arctic.

Arctic Five is a partnership between Luleå University of Technology, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Umeå University, the University of Lapland, and the University of Oulu that aims to lead the way on Arctic issues. Read more about Arctic Five here.