Invitation to Stakeholder Meeting on EU Energy Issues

The NSPA Bioeconomy and Energy Working Group would like to invite stakeholders in the NSPA regions to a meeting on EU energy issues. The aim of the meeting is to share the newest development in the EU, with a focus on the effects from the war in Ukraine and the current energy crisis.
The Northern Sparsely Populated Areas (NSPA) network will host a virtual Bioeconomy and Energy WG Stakeholder Meeting on Wednesday 23 November at 13:00 CET.
The main topic of the meeting will be current EU energy issues. The meeting will also review the activities of the participating stakeholders and the WG.
In addition, we will discuss the Arctic perspective, how can the NSPA regions contribute? Further, we are asking all participants to share their input on important topics for an energy seminar the NSPA is planning to have in Brussels in the spring of 2023.
Please add the time for the event to your calendar, the meeting link you can find here.
The NSPA network is a close cooperation between the four northernmost counties of Sweden, the seven northernmost and easternmost counties of Finland and the northernmost counties of Norway. Together, these regions aim to raise awareness of the NSPA region, its specific conditions and opportunities among EU institutions and other stakeholders, and to influence EU policy. The network also serves as a platform for cross-border cooperation and exchange of good practices.
All interested parties are welcome to attend the event. The event will take the form of a Teams meeting. For further information, please contact the Bioeconomy and Energy Working Group.